Proposed Network for IP Link Network

The purpose of the proposed network is to enhance connection and communication by ensuring faster and more seamless performance. Here are some suggested modifications for the IP Link Network.

The proposed network architecture of IP Link is illustrated in Figure. The diagram showcases two connections from the International Internet Gateway (IIG) reaching the IP Link ISP Company. One connection is directed to the core router, while the other connection is directed to the core switch. The chosen core router for IP Link is the Mikrotik 1072-1G8S, and the core switch is the Mikrotik CCR1009-8G-IS-1S+. The core switch is connected to the core router, and the Network Operations Center (NOC) department is connected to the switch. On the right side of the Figure, multiple servers are connected to the switch, which in turn is connected to the core switch. Additionally, two Distribution routers, namely Distribution Router 1 and Distribution Router 2, are implemented in this proposed model. These routers serve the purpose of distributing the network and supporting the core router. From Distribution Router 1, an EPON OLT (Optical Line Terminal) is connected. General switches are used by IP Link to provide connections to their general clients, and all of these clients are connected to Distribution Router 1 via the EPON OLT. On the right side of the core router, Distribution Router 2 is installed. Its primary responsibility is to expand and distribute connections to different locations. As depicted in Figure three routers from three distinct locations are connected to Distribution router 2. After receiving connections from IP Link, resellers such as Rajabari, Bhatulia, and Goru IT further expand the network using switches. To ensure the security of sensitive data, IP Link provides firewalls to selected resellers.

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